Spotswood Club Information
Alliance Club
Club Sponsors: Justine Mackey, Brian Baker, Alexis Dovel
Club Information:
-The focus of Alliance Club is to eliminate bias, discrimination, harassment and violence.
-Open to Freshmen.
Club Sponsor: Kim Floyd
Club Information:
-Open to any student enrolled in Advanced Arts, Crafts or AP Art
-Club Dues: No Cost
-Art Club members must be willing to share their talents by assisting in community service projects locally and at SHS. During Art Club meetings, members participate in an art-related activity, plan for projects and events, and discuss future opportunities for community service. Many of the projects can be completed during Art Club time or after school. However, some activities are off campus and not within the school day. For example, face painting at local events or assisting with Art Nights at our elementary feeder schools.
Club Sponsor: Beth Webb
Club Information:
The Chess Club meets in the library and is open to freshmen. Dues are $5, and enrollment is limited to 25 students.
Club Sponsor: Beth Webb
Club Information:
-Open to any student currently enrolled in a Marketing class
-Club Dues: $20.00
DECA - An Association of Marketing students. DECA holds meetings on EVEN Club days, inviting members of our business community to serve as speakers.
Club Sponsors: Kelly Brady, Marcus Davis
Drama Club
Sponsor: Justine Mackey
Club Information:
The Spotswood High School Drama club focuses on bringing students together that share a passion and interest for theatre and drama, whether on stage or behind the scenes, The Drama club is a safe space where students may explore their love for drama, participate in theatrical activities, field trips, guest speakers and more. Our club promotes positive social interaction, and fosters a lifelong appreciation of the arts.
Yearly Activities Include:
*Coffee House
*Kennedy Center Field Trips
*Haunted Trail
*Annual Fundraisers: Holiday Candy Grams & The Halloween Haunted Trail
Educators Rising
Club Sponsor: Renee Lapp
Club Information:
-Open to 10-12th grades
-Club Dues: $10.00
-Educators Rising is cultivating a new generation of highly skilled educators by guiding young people on a path from high school through college and into their teaching careers. By working with aspiring educators who reflect the demographics of their communities and who are passionate about serving those communities through public education, Educators Rising is changing the face of teaching.
-Our vision: A clear pathway in every school district in America for young people who want to serve their communities as highly skilled educators.
English Honor Society
Club Sponsor: Barbara Bean
Club Information:
- Open to Juniors and Seniors with at least a 3.0 GPA in their English
-Club Dues: $5.00
-The English Honor Society works to promote literacy and the study of Language Arts, both in high school and in future studies. We will discuss our favorite literature, share original works written by students and have guest speakers. We also maintain the Little Free Library cart outside Mrs. Bean's door (110).
Club Sponsor: Emma Hall
Club Information:
-Open to all students currently or previously enrolled in a Business class
-Club dues: $15.00
-Official website
-Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc.
(FBLA-PBL) is the largest career student business organization in
the world. Each year, FBLA-PBL helps over 230,000 members
prepare for careers in business.
-FBLA focuses on...
Leadership Development
Academic Competitions
Educational Programs
Community Service
Awards and Recognition
Club Sponsor: Brookeneil Tate
Club Information:
-Open to any student currently enrolled or has previously taken a high school Family and Consumer Science class.
-Club Dues: $18.00 (Dues go towards Chapter, State, and National affiliations).
-FCCLA Mission: To promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader, members develop skills for life through: character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.
Club Sponsor: Elizabeth Lam
Club Information:
-Open to any student currently enrolled in an Ag class at SHS or related curriculum at MTC.
-Club Dues: $15.00 (Go towards Chapter, State, and National affiliations.
-FFA is an intra-curricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. It is one of the three components of agricultural education. FFA continues to help the next generation rise up to meet those challenges by helping its members to develop their own unique talents and explore their interests in a broad range of agricultural career pathways. So today, we are still the Future Farmers of America. But, we are the Future Biologists, Future Chemists, Future Veterinarians, Future Engineers and Future Entrepreneurs of America, too.
Future Female Leaders (FFL)
Club Sponsors: Jen Nesler and Jen Joyner
Club Dues: None
Club Information:
-Open to all students.
- Focuses on unique challenges to females.
- Includes guest speakers and presentations on aspects of leadership and empowerment.
French Honor Society
Club Sponsor: Melinda Shiflet
Club Information:
-French Club is open to Freshman and upperclassmen who are interested and are currently enrolled or have previously been enrolled in French class. Those students who have shown
high achievement in French may be invited to be part of the French Honor Society, which will meet at the same time as French Club.
-Club Dues: French Honor Society: Initiation fee is $10.00, after induction into the club, dues are $5.00 French Club: $5.00-Activities focus on the French-speaking world and culture. Some of our most popular activities involve fixing crepes, exploring French foods, playing French games and exploring various other French-speaking cultures. The purpose of the French chapter of the World Language Honor Society is to recognize high achievement in the study of French, to foster interest in the French language and the cultures of the Francophone world and to promote friendship and understanding with all people of the world.
Club Sponsor: Denise Lam
Club Information:
-Open to grades 9th-12th grade
-Club Dues: $5.00
-This club is for any student interested in geography, cultures, and nature. Geography Club is for those interested in developing an interest in geography and spatial thinking.
- Application and dues must be received by September 30, 2024 to attend the Oct 2 club meeting.

Club Sponsor: Colin Argenbright
Club Information:
HOSA is open to anyone interested in the medical/healthcare field. The focus of the club is to bring students interested in this topic together to collaborate on health-related projects, do medicine-related community service, and learn about jobs and opportunities in the healthcare field.
This club is only open to 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students.
Anyone interested in joining HOSA must bring their signed application back to Mr. Argenbright by the first club meeting. You can pick up the application in room 240.
The club officers for the 2024-2025 school year are Catherine Biesecker, Isam Mousa, and Hannah Ahmad.
Latin Honor Society
Club Sponsor: Sally Henninger
Club Information:
-Open to any Latin Honor Society member current or former Latin
-Club Dues: $2.00
-We play games, watch videos, and participate in activities that are related to Latin and Ancient Rome & Greece.
Math Honor Society
Club Sponsor: Pat McGrath
Club Information:
-Open to any Junior or Senior in good standing and currently enrolled
in Algebra 2 or higher
-Club Dues: $5.00
-Other Club Requirements: Applicants must demonstrate good character, honor scholarship and citizenship; cannot have any discipline referrals or cheating, skipping, disrespect or fighting; need two math and two non-math teacher recommendations; need a 3.5 GPA or higher
National Honor Society
Club Sponsor: Barbara Bean and Jake Adams
Club Information:
-Open only to students who are invited to apply with a cumulative 3.5
GPA, and with approval by the faculty council.
-Club Dues: $15.00.
-Juniors and Seniors with at least a 3.5 GPA will be invited to apply in the Spring and inducted in April. Students in the SHS chapter are required to meet and maintain certain academic, service and behavior expectations, or be removed from membership.
Club Sponsor: Amber Sabbatini and Hannah Comer
Club Information: Our mission is to improve the quality of life for young adults with exceptionalities and/or special needs through friendship. Partners will collaborate to create a space where all students can be valued and participate equally. The connections made will enhance opportunities for all students.
Relay for Life
Club Sponsor: Denise Lam
Club Information:
-Open to grades 9th-12th grade, but a limit of 30 participants.
-No Dues
- Relay for Life Club is for any student that is interested in increasing awareness of the fight against cancer while raising funds for the American Cancer Society. Participation in the Harrisonburg/Rockingham Relay for Life event in June is encouraged, but not required. For information about ACS Relay for Life see this website.

Club Sponsor: Sheree Ettinger
Club Information:
-Open to grades 9-12 & interested in doing service projects
-Club Dues: $10.00
-A teen service organization sponsored by Keezletown Ruritans. The club adopts a local organization each year as its primary beneficiary.
- Ruritan's purpose is to create a better understanding among people and through volunteer community service, make America's communities better places in which to live and work. The slogan of Ruritan is "Fellowship, Goodwill and Community Service."
SCA (Student Council Association)
Club Sponsors: Katie Eppard
Club Information:
-Open to grades 9-12
-Club Dues: No Cost
-The Spotswood SCA strives to make each year great by planning the homecoming dance in the fall and sponsoring fundraisers throughout the year. We promote school spirit and work to make every year even better than the last.
Science Club
Club Sponsor: Stacie Simmers
Club Information:
-Open to 11th and 12th graders
-Club Dues: $10.00 each year
-We look at topics that include Earth Science, Environmental Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Club Sponsor: Elizabeth Lam
-Open to all students grades 9-12.
-Club Dues: $15.00
-Snowsports meets on ODD club days in Room A2.
-Mission of the Spotswood SnowSports Club:
The mission of the Snowsports club is to promote interests in Alpine, Freestyle, and Snowboarding disciplines of snowsports.
To promote a respect and understanding of the safety factors inherent in snowsports.
We encourage friendships, sportsmanship, and a greater enjoyment of skiing, riding, racing in snowsports and related industries.
Social Studies Honor Society
Club Sponsor: Owen Longacre
Club Information:
-Open to students who have completed or be currently enrolled in at least two Social Studies courses
-Club Dues: $10.00
-SSHS is a club designed for students who have a passion for social studies and desire additional opportunities to be involved in such events. Our club meetings include fun and interactive activities which include bringing in speakers that range from local university professors, museum directors, war veterans, city officials and many more. The highlight of our club is offering an opportunity for students to be involved in an accredited independent study centered around the Civil Rights story of FarmVille, VA. This independent study includes considerable research, meeting and discussing topics with local professors, professional interviews and compiling information to conduct a student lead field trip in April of each year. We'd love to have you come and join the Social Studies Honors Society!
Spanish Honor Society
Club Sponsor: Diana Nieves and Stacy Escobar
Club Information:
-Open to students in Spanish 3 or beyond who received a nomination for having 3 consecutive semesters of A's
-Club Dues: Initiation fee is $10.00, dues are $5.00 (may be collected in the Spring)
-Here is the link from our website with information about the Spanish Honor Society:
TRI M - Music Honor Society
Club Sponsors: Jordan Davidson and Sean Macomber
Club Information:
-Open to grades 9-12
-Club Dues: $10.00 each year
-Tri-M Music Honor Society opens up a world of opportunities for students who have already shown themselves to be academically capable and musically gifted. Through performance and community service, they'll develop confidence, creativity, critical thinking, compassion, and a host of other leadership skills sure to serve them well in school and beyond. Each year our Tri-M Chapter raises funds for a local music organization through various activities such as caroling, bake sales & talent shows.
TSA - Technology Students Association
Club Sponsor: Tom Cummings
Club Information:
-Open to grades 9-12
-Club Dues: $15.00 per year
-The Technology Student Association (TSA) is the only student organization devoted exclusively to the needs of students interested in technology. Open to students enrolled in or who have completed technology education courses, TSA’s membership includes over 300,000 middle and high school students in 2,000 schools spanning 48 states. TSA is supported by educators, parents and business leaders who believe in the need for a technologically literate society. Members learn through exciting competitive events, leadership opportunities and much more. The diversity of activities makes TSA a positive experience for every student. From engineers to business managers, our alumni credit TSA with a positive influence on their lives.
-For more information about TSA visit the national TSA website and the Virginia TSA web site at:

Youth in Government
Club Sponsor: Emmett Sheahan
Club Information:
-Open to all grades
-Club Dues $15
-The club’s mission is to connect students with their government. Past guests have represented government at all three levels. National, state, and local constitutional officers have spoken to our club. Not only do we invite guests from our community to speak to the club, but we have exciting opportunities to role-play in government as well.