Student Attendance
School Attendance Line: 896-8805; This is a direct line to the JFHMS attendance clerk.
Please call as soon as possible each day to report a student’s absence. Students must present written notification following an absence also.
Attendance notes can be submitted electronically by emailing Doctor’s offices may send scanned or electronic notes directly to the school using this email address.
Upon a student’s 5th unexcused absence or their 15th absence to school for any reason (excluding school-sponsored events), the student’s administrator will contact the parent by phone and letter to request a meeting to develop an Attendance Improvement Plan.
Any student tardy to school must report to the office with their parent or with a written note signed by a parent or guardian explaining the reason for being late. If a note at the time is not possible, the tardy will be coded as unexcused. However, if the note is presented to the office the following day, the tardy will be changed to “excused” in the school’s database if the explanation is the note falls within the definition of an excused absence. Accumulation of unexcused tardies to school will be handled according to regulations issued by the RCPS School Board.
Students are reminded that after 3:30 p.m., only students attending school events, or those under a teacher’s supervision or a parent’s supervision, are allowed to be on J. Frank Hillyard Middle School property.