Driver Education


Monday, October 21 @ East Rockingham HS 6:30-8:00

Tuesday, November 5 @ Turner Ashby HS 6:00-7:30

Tuesday, December 3 @ Broadway HS 6:30-8:00

Thursday, December 5 @ Spotswood HS 6:00-7:30

Virtually from 6:30-8:00 (Date TBD) Students MUST register to recieve meeting link by filling out this form

Virginia code § 22.1-205 states that a parent/student component shall be part of the classroom portion of Driver Education.  As such students should plan on attending one of the four meetings being held at Rockingham County High Schools.  We encourage all parents /guardians to join their child at the meeting, which will highlight the importance of the parents’ role in encouraging safe driving habits, familiarizing themselves with the licensing requirements and procedures and tips for when riding with their child.  Any student that does NOT attend one of the meetings will not successfully complete the classroom portion or Driver Education and thus NOT receive their orange DEC-1 card.  Please plan on attending one of the four student/parent meetings at RCPS high schools.  The dates and times will be announced when available.


The Rockingham County Public School Board offers a program of driver education in the high schools in the safe operation of motor vehicles. The program includes instruction concerning

  • alcohol and drug abuse;

  • aggressive driving;

  • the dangers of distracted driving and speeding;

  • motorcycle awareness;

  • organ and tissue donor awareness;

  • fuel-efficient driving practices; and

  • traffic stops, including law-enforcement procedures for traffic stops, appropriate actions to be taken by drivers during traffic stops, and appropriate interactions with law-enforcement officers who initiate traffic stops.

The program also includes an additional minimum 90-minute parent/student driver education component as part of the classroom portion of the driver education curriculum. However, no student who is (1) at least 18 years of age, (2) an emancipated minor, or (3) an unaccompanied minor who is not in the physical custody of the student’s parent or guardian is required to participate in the parent/student driver education component. The parent/student driver program emphasizes (i) parental responsibilities regarding juvenile driver behavior, (ii) juvenile driving restrictions pursuant to the Code of Virginia, (iii) the dangers of driving while intoxicated and underage consumption of alcohol, and (iv) the dangers of distracted driving.

Any student who participates in a driver education program must meet the academic requirements established by the Board of Education. No student is permitted to operate a motor vehicle without a learner's permit or a license. Necessary certification of students' academic standing and compliance with compulsory attendance laws is provided by the administration to the Department of Motor Vehicles upon request, in accordance with state law.