Finance Office & Procurement

Justin Moyers
Chief Financial Officer

Zina Gillis
Supervisor of Finance

Brenda Buhl
Finance Assistant
Financial Reports
The Rockingham County Public Schools (RCPS) follows a comprehensive procurement policy designed to ensure transparency, encourage competition, and secure high-quality goods and services at reasonable costs. Guided by the Virginia Public Procurement Act and federal Uniform Grant Guidance, the policy supports fairness and efficiency while adhering to legal and ethical standards.
Key procurement methods include:
Small Purchases: Streamlined processes for items under $60,000.
Competitive Sealed Bidding (IFBs): For purchases over $60,000, ensuring awards are made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
Requests for Proposals (RFPs): Used for professional services or projects requiring flexibility, with awards based on qualifications and criteria.
Sole Source and Emergency Contracts: Available for unique or urgent situations.
Cooperative Procurement: Partnering with other public entities to leverage cost savings.
RCPS is committed to maintaining public confidence through equitable practices, compliance with applicable laws, and a dedication to serving the needs of our students and community.
For more details, visit Policy Manual.