Student Transfer Request Information
Rockingham County School Board Policy JC states that "students shall attend the school in the attendance area in which they reside and to which they are assigned, unless special permission is granted by the Division Superintendent."
The Division Superintendent does consider student transfer requests for the following:
Child of RCPS Employee
Child Care Hardship
Senior Status
Family Relocation (1) - Prior to Relocation into Requested School Attendance Area
Family Relocation (2) - After Relocation (for remainder of semester or school year)
Non-Resident Students
Primary custodial parents or guardians who are seeking for their child to attend a school that is different from which they are assigned should fill out this form in its entirety to be considered for a transfer. Incomplete requests will not be considered. If you are seeking a transfer for more than one child, you must complete this form for each child.
Student transfers will be considered if the school capacity and grade level capacity at the requested school will permit, as determined by RCPS. Student transfer requests are required to be submitted annually to the Division Superintendent.
All student transfer requests go through a process of review that includes the Division Superintendent, the Chief Financial Officer, and the principals at each school. When the review process is completed, the primary custodial parent or guardian will be notified.
Select any of the transfer types below to view a description of the request and the link to the form to make such a request.