Social Studies and I.D.M.

Rockingham County students with Brown v. Board plaintiffs at the Moton Museum on "Barbara Johns Day," April 23, 2024
THE C3 FRAMEWORK AND IDM: History and Social Science instruction is based on the principles of the C3 Framework (College, Career, and Civic Life) for Social Studies State Standards. At the core of the C3 Framework is the "Inquiry Arc" that centers curriculum around compelling questions. The subsequent Inquiry Design Model (I.D.M.) represents a comprehensive template for designing inquiry-based learning experiences. The inquiries below were collaboratively written and designed by RCPS social studies educators as a component of county-wide curricula aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs).
IDM ASSESSMENT IN WORLD GEOGRAPHY: Ninth-grade teachers recently used a series of I.D.M.s in place of the multiple-choice SOL test in World Geography classes. Rather than a single knowledge-based test in May, teachers administered three inquiry-based assessments that were embedded within the curriculum throughout the school year. This iterative process informed instructional practices and helped increase student growth from one inquiry to the next. Teachers took this opportunity to identify student needs and scaffold their instruction to ensure a greater level of success. We are proud to report that our pass rate increased to 93% in one year as a result of these concerted efforts. This unique and innovative opportunity is available through the Locally Awarded Verified Credit (LAVC) process from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE).

2023 vs. 2024 test results in 9th grade World Geography using I.D.M.