RCPS Cell Phone Expectations
“Away for the Day” does not ban students from bringing devices to school, although they do need to be out of sight and silenced from the time the student enters the school building until the dismissal bell at the end of the day. “Away for the Day” aims to lessen distractions in our classrooms and decrease the stress students report due to the expectation to read and/or reply to text messages, social media posts, group chats, etc. when they are trying to focus on learning.
There are times during the school day when a parent or guardian may need to contact their child. If a parent or guardian needs to speak to their student immediately in the case of an emergency, they should call the main office at the student's school.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our goal in Rockingham County Public Schools is to create a welcoming, safe, and focused learning environment for students. We are asking for the support of families and students in helping us create an environment where students can focus on meaningful work, collaborative relationships, and creative thinking.